Actin Waves

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Spatial relaxation oscillator produces spatial dynamics and spiral waves


We consider a full spatial variant of the model of a F-actin negative feedback to GTPase system.


To do so, we add diffusion terms to well-mixed GTPase equations. The PDEs are:

$$\begin{align} \frac{\partial G}{\partial t} &= D\frac{\partial^2 G}{\partial x^2} + (b+\gamma \frac{G^n}{1+G^n})G_{\mathrm i} - G(\eta + sF) \\ \frac{\partial G_{\mathrm i}}{\partial t} &= D_{\mathrm i}\frac{\partial^2 G_{\mathrm i}}{\partial x^2} - (b+\gamma \frac{G^n}{1+G^n})G_{\mathrm i} + G(\eta + sF) \\ \frac{\partial F}{\partial t} &= \epsilon(k_{\mathrm n}G-k_{\mathrm s}F) \\ \end{align}$$

We explore the equation system first in a single spatial dimension in ActinWavesPDE_main.xml and continue in two spatial dimensions using a square lattice in place of the linear lattice in ActinWavesPDE_2D.xml, with the actin reaction rate $\epsilon$ changed from $0.001$ to $0.01$ to speed up the dynamics.


Consider the actin waves PDE system in 1D spatial coordinates (top figures) and in 2D (lower panels):

Simulation of the actin waves PDE system in 1D, showing $G(x, t)$ in the top row and $F(x, t)$ in the bottom row for several values of the feedback parameter $s$. Produced with [`ActinWavesPDE_main.xml`](#model).
Simulation of the actin waves PDE system in 1D, showing $G(x, t)$ in the top row and $F(x, t)$ in the bottom row for several values of the feedback parameter $s$. Produced with ActinWavesPDE_main.xml.
Simulation video of ActinWavesPDE_main.xml with the profile of all three variables active GTPase $G(x, t)$, inactive GTPase $G_{\mathrm i}(x, t)$ and F-actin $F(x, t)$ changing over time.
Simulation of the actin waves PDE system in 2D, showing (right, left) $G(x,y,t)$ and $F(x,y,t)$ (side by side) over time. Produced with [`ActinWavesPDE_2D.xml`](#downloads).
Simulation of the actin waves PDE system in 2D, showing (right, left) $G(x,y,t)$ and $F(x,y,t)$ (side by side) over time. Produced with ActinWavesPDE_2D.xml.
Simulation video of ActinWavesPDE_2D.xml


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    <MorpheusModel version="4">
            <Title>Actin Waves (PDE) in 1D</Title>
            <Details>Full title:		Actin Waves
    Authors:		L. Edelstein-Keshet
    Contributors:	Y. Xiao
    Date:		23.06.2022
    Software:		Morpheus (open-source). Download from
    Model ID:
    File type:		Main model
    Reference:		L. Edelstein-Keshet: Mathematical Models in Cell Biology
    Comment:		Simulations of F-actin negative feedback to the wave-pinning GTPase model produced the actin waves PDE system. Here we simulate this in 1D, showing profiles of the variables over space and time, as well as kymographs of the active GTPase and the F-actin summarizing the entire dynamics.</Details>
            <Field symbol="a" name="activeGTPase" value="1.5+0.7*(0.5-rand_norm(1,0.5))">
                <Diffusion rate="0.01"/>
            <Field symbol="i" name="Inactive" value="2.0">
                <Diffusion rate="1"/>
            <Field symbol="F_a" name="F-actin" value="1.3">
                <Diffusion rate="0.0"/>
            <System time-step="0.05" solver="Runge-Kutta [fixed, O(4)]">
                <DiffEqn symbol-ref="a">
                    <Expression> i*(b+gamma*a^n/(1+a^n))- a*(eta+s*F_a) </Expression>
                <DiffEqn symbol-ref="i">
                    <Expression> -i*(b+gamma*a^n/(1+a^n))+ a*(eta+s*F_a)</Expression>
                <DiffEqn symbol-ref="F_a">
                    <Expression> epsilon*(k_n*a-k_s*F_a)</Expression>
                <Constant symbol="b" name="basal activation rate" value="0.067"/>
                <Constant symbol="gamma" name="feedback rate" value="4.5"/>
                <Constant symbol="n" name="Hill coefficient" value="3"/>
                <Constant symbol="k_n" name="Actin nucleation rate" value="20"/>
                <Constant symbol="k_s" name="Actin disassembly rate" value="2"/>
                <Constant symbol="eta" name="basal GTPase decay rate" value="0.5"/>
                <Constant symbol="s" name="actin-dependent GTPase decay rate" value="0.5"/>
                <Constant symbol="F_0" name="actin set point" value="1"/>
                <Constant symbol="epsilon" name="actin reaction rate" value="0.001"/>
            <Lattice class="linear">
                <Size symbol="size" value="100, 0, 0"/>
                    <Condition type="noflux" boundary="x"/>
                <NodeLength value="0.02"/>
            <SpaceSymbol symbol="space"/>
            <StartTime value="0"/>
            <StopTime value="6000"/>
            <SaveInterval value="0"/>
            <!--    <Disabled>
            <RandomSeed value="1"/>
            <TimeSymbol symbol="time"/>
            <Logger time-step="50">
                    <Symbol symbol-ref="a"/>
                    <Symbol symbol-ref="i"/>
                    <Symbol symbol-ref="F_a"/>
                    <Plot time-step="10" title="space plot">
                        <Style line-width="3.0" style="lines"/>
                        <Terminal terminal="png"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="space.x"/>
                        <Y-axis minimum="0" maximum="10">
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="a"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="i"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="F_a"/>
                            <Time mode="current"/>
                    <Plot time-step="-1" title="time-space plot">
                        <Style decorate="true" point-size="2" style="points"/>
                        <Terminal terminal="png"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="space.x"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="time"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="a"/>
                    <Plot time-step="-1" title="time-space plot">
                        <Style decorate="true" point-size="2" style="points"/>
                        <Terminal terminal="png"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="space.x"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="time"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="F_a"/>
            <ModelGraph format="dot" reduced="false" include-tags="#untagged"/>

    Model Graph
    Model Graph


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