Proliferation in Two Dimensions
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This model shows a simulation of a growing cell population, using the cellular Potts model.

The model specifies CellType
which has a VolumeConstraint
and a Proliferation
In the Proliferation
plugin, the Conditions
for a cell to divide are given. Here, each cell that has more than 90% of the target volume has a small probability to divide. Once a division has taken place, the Equation
defined in the Triggers
elements are triggered.
→ Proliferation_2D.xml
XML Preview
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<MorpheusModel version="3">
<Variable symbol="c" value="0.0"/>
<Lattice class="hexagonal">
<Size symbol="size" value="500 500 0"/>
<Condition boundary="x" type="periodic"/>
<Condition boundary="y" type="periodic"/>
<SpaceSymbol symbol="space"/>
<StartTime value="0"/>
<StopTime symbol="stoptime" value="4e4"/>
<TimeSymbol symbol="time"/>
<CellType class="biological" name="cells">
<Property symbol="p" value="5e-5" name="proliferation rate"/>
<Property symbol="d" value="0" name="divisions"/>
<Property symbol="c" value="0" name="color"/>
<VolumeConstraint target="500" strength="1"/>
<SurfaceConstraint target="0.9" mode="aspherity" strength="1"/>
<System solver="euler" time-step="1.0">
<Rule symbol-ref="c">
<Expression>if( c > 0, c-1, 0)</Expression>
<CellDivision division-plane="random">
<Condition>rand_uni(0,1) < p</Condition>
<Rule symbol-ref="d">
<Rule symbol-ref="c" name="color after division">
<Interaction default="0">
<Contact type1="cells" type2="cells" value="-4"/>
<MonteCarloSampler stepper="edgelist">
<MCSDuration value="1.0"/>
<MetropolisKinetics temperature="3" yield="0.1"/>
<ShapeSurface scaling="norm">
<Population size="1" type="cells">
<InitCircle mode="regular" number-of-cells="20">
<Dimensions radius="35" center="250, 250, 0"/>
<Gnuplotter time-step="1000" decorate="false">
<Terminal name="png"/>
<Cells value="c" min="0.0" max="1">
<Color value="1" color="red"/>
<Color value="0.0" color="green"/>
<CellLabels fontsize="8" value="d"/>
<Logger time-step="100">
<Symbol symbol-ref="celltype.cells.size"/>
<Plot log-commands="true" time-step="10000">
<Style point-size="0.5" grid="true" style="linespoints"/>
<Terminal terminal="png"/>
<X-axis minimum="0" maximum="stoptime">
<Symbol symbol-ref="time"/>
<Y-axis minimum="0" maximum="100">
<Symbol symbol-ref="celltype.cells.size"/>
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