Morpheus demonstration at International Workshop and Hackathon Multicellular model description and cross-simulator exchange


Progress towards software interoperability and reproducibility requires a novel model description language and conversion library, complementing SBML. Morpheus' modeling language MorpheusML serves as a proof of concept for declarative multicellular modeling. Within this International Workshop and Hackathon, we demonstrate the usability and concept of MorpheusML and work towards a general framework-overarching declarative modeling language MultiCellML. Building on the community‘s practical experiences with multiple formalisms and simulators, we aim at (1) defining the concept for MultiCellML while simultaneously (2) exploring automated model conversion between (closely related, e.g. CPM-supporting) simulators using the language prototype.

Sun, 01 Sep 2019 — Wed, 04 Sep 2019
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, TU Dresden
Nöthnitzer Straße 46, Dresden, 01187

We will give a Morpheus workshop as part of the 2nd International Conference on Integrative Pathway Modelling in Systems Biology and Systems Medicine.

Banner announcing the the International Workshop and Hackathon
International Workshop and Hackathon

Register before October 21 via the following link:

Multicellular Simulation